U walkthrough and features images and tips for every Star Coin. Facebook: Super Mario Bros. Star Coins. This guide also works as a New Super Mario Bros. World 3: Sparkling Waters. Layer Cake Desert 4 Spike's Spouting Sands Star coinsNew Super Mario Bros. U Channel 1. Perilous Pokey Cave, or Layer-Cake Desert-2, is the second course of Layer-Cake Desert in New Super Mario Bros. Unlike the previous desert worlds, which had Egyptian pyramids, it has various desserts within the world, such as giant cakes (with one giant. Mario will need to stand in the middle of the sand geyser. It features stone platforms that are movable by spinning on wooden screws. U Deluxe walkthrough too since they’re really the same game. 0:00 2-1 Layer Cake Desert-1 Star Coin Locations1:49 2-2 Layer Cake Desert-2 Star Coin Locations4:01 2-3 Layer Cake Desert-3 Star Coin Locations6:04 2-Tower. There's a hidden Vine Block above the Sand Geyser where Spike is standing. Right after you reach the area consisting of the three. U DeluxeSubscribe, Like and CommentThe second world in New Super Mario Bros. Secret exits and world skips in New Super Luigi U. Peach’s Castle Star Coins. Star Coin 3: Under some Frozen Coins, the player must use a Fire Flower or fireballs from nearby Fire Bros to collect the third Star Coin. U Guide. help you track down every Star Coin and Secret Exit in the Layer Cake Desert world of New Super Mario Bros. U - Layer-Cake Desert-4 - Second Star Coin (Wii U) New Super Mario Bros. show you how to find all 3 Star Coins and the secret exit in Layer Cake Desert World 2-4, The Walls Have Eyes in New Super Lui. . As soon as you see the warp pipe, dive for it, as a Piranha Plant will try to block the pipe. Star Coins. The third proves to be quite difficult because a well timed jump with Yoshi is needed to get it. 2k more updated Dec 12, 2012. Acorn Plains (W1)Time limit. Stoneslide Tower, or Layer-Cake Desert-Tower, is the second tower in New Super Mario Bros. Layer-Cake Desert is the sandy second world of New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe Star Coins guides show you the location of all three Star Coins in every level of every world in the Nintendo Switch game. It is an athletic mushroom course with Stone Spikes and moving platforms. The second is quite challenging because we are looking for an invisible block. It is unlocked by passing either Spike's Spouting Sands or Dry Desert Mushrooms. U Star Coins guide is fairly simple. U, lying directly north of Acorn Plains, northwest of Sparkling Waters and Soda Jungle and southwest from Frosted Glacier. After this, they must jump,. . U Deluxe Star coins디저트사막-4 위에서 데굴데굴 가봉의 철구 스타코인Fire Snake Cavern, or Layer-Cake Desert-3, is the third course of Layer-Cake Desert in New Super Mario Bros. Star Coins Star Coin 1 - Can't miss the first star coin - it appears you twist the first screw to lower the platform. Buy Me a Coffee: Buy me a coffee: paypal. The first Star Coin is in a warp pipe near the beginning of the level, though your chances to get it are time-sensitive. Climb to the top to claim the Star Coin. Lots of obstacles, enemies, and secrets are hidden within each. It must be defeated with a Fire Flower or a Super Star, allowing. Star Coin 1 - Near the beginning of the level you will come to a branching path, one that leads up and one that stays on the ground. . Layer Cake Desert-2 Perilous Pokey Cave Star Coins; Layer Cake Desert-3 Fire Snake Cavern Star Coins; Layer Cake Desert-Tower Stoneslide Tower Star Coins; Layer Cake Desert-4 Spike's Spouting Sand. Stage Layer-Cake Desert - Stoneslide Tower in New Super Mario Bros Wii. << Directory of levels >>. show you how to find all 3 Star Coins in Layer Cake Desert-2: Perilous Pokey Cave!• Follow GameXplain on. Our Layer-Cake Desert Coins guide is part of our New Super Mario Bros. . 1 minute read. U. When the sand geyser is at it's highest point, Mario needs to jump. U. me/TwinCherry Guide to Secret Level Entrance Spikes Spouting SandsLayer-Cake Desert is. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Share via. World 4: Frosted Glacier. Star Coin 2: The player must Ground Pound the middle Stone-Eye in the area where the single Waddlewing is found. Blooming Lakitus, or Layer-Cake Desert-6, is the sixth course of Layer-Cake Desert in New Super Mario Bros. U. It can be accessed upon completion of Wind-Up Tower. U. 400 seconds. Show 4 more items. New Super Mario Bros. Star Coin 3: The third Star Coin is found in the middle of a series of Big Piranha Plants on rolling hills at the end of the level. Wait until the top platform is slanted up and to the right before using a triple jump or a Super Acorn glide to. New Super Mario U Guide Layer-Cake Desert-4 Spike's Spouting Sands By Brendan Graeber , SuperMarioBro , Nintendonewss , +8. Full of sand and sweets, there are 9 levels in total. U - Layer Cake Desert-4 Spike's Spouting Sands Star Coins Guide & Walkthrough GameXplain 1. Star Coin 3: At the end, the player encounters two Fire Bros on standing metallic platforms. Star Coins. When Mario kills a spike that is on a sand geyser. Enemies . Kind of adorable! Our New Super Mario Bros. Star Coin 1: At the. show you how to find all 3 Star Coins in Layer Cake Desert - Blooming Lakitus!• Follow GameXplain on. Star Coin 3: A green Warp Pipe located near the end of the level has a Big Venus Fire Trap on it. Star Coin 1 - Hard to miss, you'll find it at the top of several rows of blocks. Wait until the ice. Star Coin 1 - As you decend underground through the pipe, there will be a pokey on the platform below. Completing this stage will allow access to both Layer-Cake Desert - 4, The Walls Have Eyes and Layer-Cake Desert - 5, Stone Spike Conveyors. Lakitus;Layer Cake Desert-2 Perilous Pokey Cave Star Coins; Layer Cake Desert-3 Fire Snake Cavern Star Coins; Layer Cake Desert-Tower Stoneslide Tower Star Coins; Layer Cake Desert-4 Spike's Spouting Sand. It is unlocked by completing Stoneslide Tower, and completing this level unlocks Blooming Lakitus, while completing it via the secret exit unlocks Piranha Plants on Ice . 0:00 / 0:31 New Super Mario Bros. New Super Mario Bros. The first of the star coins is an easy find. Star Coin 1 - The first Star Coin will be found running through the gauntlet of creepy moving statues. The Walls Have Eyes, or Layer-Cake Desert-4, is the fourth level in the second world of New Super Luigi U, Layer-Cake Desert. . Dry Desert Mushrooms, or Layer-Cake Desert-5, is the fifth course of Layer-Cake Desert in New Super Mario Bros. Star Coin 1: After the first screw, quickly use the stone blocks to reach the first Star Coin before it recedes back into the block. Star Coin 1 - Can't miss the first star coin - it appears you twist the first screw to lower the platform. U. He will hit a. New Super Mario Bros. Just watch for the Lakitu . Star Coin 2 - Later on in the level, past a giant piranha plant, you will find a raised. Star Coin 3 - Near the end of the level there will be more compacting blocks with the. Facebook: Rope Ladders, or Layer-Cake Desert-, is the secret level of Layer-Cake Desert in New Super Luigi U. Layer-Cake Desert, or World 2, has a total of 27 Star Coins to collect, three. U. 94K subscribers Subscribe 29K views. The player must jump to the highest platform, where there is. It is unlocked via completion of Stone-Eye Zone, and its own completion unlocks Stoneslide. This video shows the location of every coin in this stage. The ground path leads to the star coin, guarded by two Spikes. While the main. Just don't forget to grab it! advertisement Star Coin 2 - When. Just don't forget to grab it! Star Coin 2 - When you begin climbing the tower. Star Coins. U Deluxe Layer Cake Desert Walkthrough. . Spike's Spouting Sands, or Layer-Cake Desert-4, is the fourth course of Layer-Cake Desert in New Super Mario Bros. Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is below the Piranha Plant on the last platform before the second flat area. U for the Wii U!Climb the side and jump up and over the ceiling to find a secret pipe that leads to your second star coin. GameXplain. It can be accessed by completing The Walls Have Eyes using the secret exit. We'll show you how to find all 3 Star Coins and the secret exit in Layer Cake Desert World 2-4, The Walls Have Eyes in New Super Luigi U!. U Deluxe is the Layer-Cake Desert. Full New Super Mario Bros. Use the nifty table below to jump to each world, otherwise find the specific level in the list underneath. World 1: Acorn Plains. Star Coin 1 - The first star coin is easy enough to spot, just avoid the falling rocks and ride the lower platform to your first star coin. Ryan McBride November 24, 2012. Every level has 3 star coins. Star Coin 2 - After passing a Green Circle you will come to several piranha plants surrounded by ice blocks. There are three in each level, and some might be in plain sight, or might require you to do some thinking. Second Star Coin. Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin is found above the first Piranha Plant. Layer-Cake Desert Secret Exit (World #2) Location: Layer-Cake Desert 4 The Walls Have Eyes Unlock: Layer-Cake Desert A Slippery Rope Ladders. The one on the far left has a platform below one of the ice blocks. updated Aug 4, 2013 Star Coins are collectibles which are hidden in every level in the game. 32M subscribers Subscribe 235K views. Star Coin 2 - A little ways past the. New Super Mario Bros. Star Coin 1 - Once in the cave, jump past the first platform to the 2 platform area. One smaller statue on the ground will have Star Coin inside it, so ground pound. World 2: Layer-Cake Desert. Climb to the top to claim the Star Coin. All Star Coins and Secret Exits for Nintendo Switch!Layer-Cake Desert-4 Star Coin Locations: Layer-Cake Desert-5 Star Coin Locations: Layer-Cake Desert-6 Star Coin Locations: Layer-Cake Desert Morton’s Compactor Castle Star Coin Locations: Share Tweet. World 2, also known as Layer-Cake Desert, is the standard accompanying desert world to any Mario game - quicksand, dark caves, stone temples and towers, and a. . Wait for a Grrrol to slam into it before jumping down to the lower platform. Perilous Pokey Cave is a level that truely lives up to it's name. Mario encounters a lot of 'em in this level. It is a cave consisting of Pokeys, various Sand Geysers and other enemies. It is a dark cave featuring the first appearance of Glowing Baby Yoshi. U. Star Coin Locations. Star Coin 3: In a Warp Pipe below two Stone Spikes, the player must use the POW Block to make the third Star Coin drop when the. U. Layer-Cake Desert 4 The Walls Have Eyes Layer-Cake Desert A Slippery Rope Ladders Immediatley after the area with the three statues and the vine leading to the second Star Coin, there is a platform. . Polygon’s New Super Mario Bros.