. Welcome to St. Yesterday, Today, and Forever “Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise! For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. Welcome to St. . Paul, Bonduel are two different congregations) In 1889 St. . Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin February 23/26, 2023 THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT Opening Hymn 424 O Christ, You Walked the Road Confession and Absolution page 184 Psalmody — Psalm 32:1–7 You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble. . Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin July 20/23, 2023 The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost T T T Opening Hymn 809 Great Is Thy Faithfulness Opening Versicles page 260 Old Testament Canticle page 261 Old Testament Reading — Isaiah 44:6–8 Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts:. Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care, congregational life, and online technologies. Tuesday 7/11 SPYRT-Amico’s Fundraiser (mention St. (St. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin April 27/30, 2023 The Fourth Sunday of Easter Good Shepherd Sunday. John Lutheran. St. Bonduel, Wisconsin . St. Sun of the soul, O Light divine, Around and in us brightly shine, To joy and gladness wake usWelcome to St. St. Paul Lutheran Church, Bonduel on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 from 4-7 pm and on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 from 9 am until the funeral service at 11 am with Pastor Timothy J. St. . Join us through these videos in the ministry of worship and the excitement of God's people. InvocationComing soon to a mailbox near you. Digging Deeper into the Old. Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care, congregational life, and online technologies. Paul Lutheran School is seeking to hire a 5 grade teacher and a Preschool teacher. You are invited to a baby shower at St Paul today, Sunday, April 30. /. Paul Lutheran School is a private, Christian school located in BONDUEL, WI. St. St. . St. Paul Lutheran Church, Bonduel on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 from 4-7 pm and on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 from 9 am until the funeral service at 11 am with Pastor. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin September 8/11, 2022 LCMS The 14th Sunday after Pentecost Welcome and Pre-service Prayer. Paul Harvest Festival, Chino Hills, California. To God Be the Glory . St. Bring diapers (sizes 4 & 5 most needed) or wipes as a gift. Welcome to St. KROENING. The everlasting Son Incarnate deigns to be, Himself a servant’s form. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church is a 501c3 nonprofit, registered in the US, number 39-0901175. Farmers make up only 1. Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care, congregational life, and online technologies. 240 E. Green Bay Street | Bonduel, WI 54107-0577 | (715)758-8532. Welcome to St. Palm Sunday April 2, 2023 - St. Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care, congregational life, and online technologies. to the glory of God in honor of Charles Moede’s 91st birthday on April 24, given by. 11 Apr 1864 - 6 Jul 1940. Welcome to St. Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care, congregational life, and online technologies. St. . 1–4) and Music: Public domain Baptism 10:15am Myck Michael Wallrich . St. St. 240 E Green Bay St, PO Box 577, Bonduel WI 54107 | Church: 715-758-8559 | School:. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin February 9/12, 2023 The Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Prelude 8:00am All Things Bright and Beautiful Opening Hymn 686 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Baptism 10:15am Alarik Anthony Rizzio Opening Versicles page 260 Old Testament Canticle page 261 Old Testament Reading —. . 240 E Green Bay St, PO Box 577, Bonduel WI 54107 | Church: 715-758-8559 | School: 715-758. St. Welcome to St. Our festival continues to be an amazing opportunity for all of us to have fun, work together, make friends, meet old friends & engage our entire. Amen. And we pray for His continuing to bless our churches both in Townsend and in Bonduel. St. Paul Lutheran Church and School of Bonduel, WI shares the Gospel Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care, congregational life, and online technologies. Burial will take place in the parish cemetery. St. Visitation will take place at St. 121 likes · 8 talking about this · 40 were here. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin November 17/20, 2022 The Last Sunday of the Church Year Opening Hymn 908 Lord, Open Now My Heart to Hear Confession and Absolution page 151 Psalmody — Psalm 46 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin January 13/16, 2022 The Second Sunday after Epiphany Opening Hymn 590 Baptized into Your Name Most Holy Text (sts. Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care,. Paul on Monday, July 3. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin June 16/19, 2022 The 2nd Sunday After Pentecost T T T Opening Hymn 811 Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices Confession and Absolution page 203 Psalmody — Psalm 3 O LORD, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me; many are saying of my soul, there is no salvation for. Paul Lutheran, Bonduel, this Sunday morning, 3'22'20 by grabbing the online bulletin at our website. 240 E Green Bay St, PO Box 577, Bonduel WI 54107 | Church: 715-758-8559 | School: 715-758. Mr. 240 E Green Bay St, PO Box 577, Bonduel WI 54107 | Church: 715-758-8559 | School:. Announcements Vacation Bible School . . Father. This is a fundraiser to benefit Green Bay's Pregnancy Resource Center, Alexandrina. He had rolled away the stone and. Blersch) 8:00am Schmidt Family Band Processional Hymn 507 Holy, Holy, Holy Confession and Absolution page 151 Psalmody — Psalm 8 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your. Sunday July 9, and will be given Christian burial at St. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin June 30/July 3, 2022 The 4th Sunday After Pentecost T T T Opening Hymn 816 From All That Dwell Below the Skies Confession and Absolution page 203 Psalmody — Psalm 66:1–7 Shout for joy to God, all the earth;St. Questions may be directed to Jean Hedtke at 715–758–2728. . St. Paul Lutheran Church 175th Anniversary of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Welcome to the House of the Lord For our guests desiring the Lord’s Supper… The Lord’s Supper is a real, miraculous eating and drinking. Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care,. As foretold by Your prophet of old, He entered Jerusalem riding on a lowly donkey. St. Mother (her 4th marriage) POPP. 240 E Green Bay St, PO Box 577, Bonduel WI 54107 | Church: 715-758-8559 | School: 715-758-8532, Fax 715-758-6352 Map/Directions | Contact Us St. The 2021 edition of congregation letters! #NLSW21 #SentToServe #ThankYouForSupportingOurSchoolSt. Join us through these videos in the ministry of worship and the excitement of God's people. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin June 8/11, 2023 The Second Sunday after Pentecost T T T Opening Hymn 915 Today Your Mercy Calls Us Confession and Absolution page 184 Introit — Psalm 50:7–10 The Mighty One, God the LORD, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting. (St. Paul Lutheran Church and School of Bonduel, WI shares the Gospel Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. . Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care, congregational life, and online technologies. St. Matthew 9: 37-38 says this, Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is. Paul, Bonduel after moving there. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin July 6/9, 2023 The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost T T T Opening Hymn. 29. Paul Bonduel. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin April 13/16, 2023 The Second Sunday of Easter Welcome to the House of the Lord Last Sunday, the women met the angel at the tomb. Steven A Schmidt [1971–2022], St Paul Member, to: "Hope in Him"Mortgage, School Repair, and Missions Tami J (Erdman) Schneider [1970–2022] to:St. Welcome to St. Birth . Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care, congregational life, and online technologies. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin July 13/16, 2023 The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost. Welcome to St. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin June 23/26, 2022 The 3rd Sunday After Pentecost T T T Opening Hymn 7:00pm and 8:00am 688 Come, Follow Me, the Savior Spake 10:15am 593 See This Wonder in the Making Baptism 10:15am Nashton Charles Geurts Opening Versicles page 260 Old Testament Canticle page 261 Old. The new church and school buildings are being built adjacent to this building. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin March 30/April 2, 2023 Palm Sunday Welcome to the House of the Lord — A Prayer as one enters Dear Creator and Maker of all things. The cemetery of St. 240 E Green Bay St, PO Box 577, Bonduel WI 54107 | Church: 715-758-8559 | School: 715-758. St. . Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin May 12/15, 2022 The Fifth Sunday of Easter. 240 E Green Bay St, PO Box 577, Bonduel WI 54107 | Church: 715-758-8559 | School: 715-758. Welcome to St. Paul lives streams services on YouTube. Fill out the ONLINE CONNECT CARD. . Church and School Website. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin February 17/20, 2022 The Seventh Sunday after Epiphany A Five-Week Sermon Series “FOR MEN”Welcome to St. Paul Cemetery behind the church building. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin November 27, 2022 The First Sunday in Advent Opening Hymn 338 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Confession and Absolution page 203. May 4, 2022, and will be given Christian burial at St. Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care, congregational life, and online technologies. Registrations are still beingWelcome to St. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin April 17, 2022 The Resurrection of Our Lord T T T Easter Litany and Processional Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! The angel said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen!” Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!Visitation will take place at St. Paul Lutheran Church and School 4/15/2022 Bonduel, WI. 5% of the population in the United States, but the need to feed people is always growing. Contact Dave Hedtke at 715. . Welcome to St. These two men served St. Today we will hear a presentation of Luke 1:1–80. Paul Lutheran Church. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin July 6/9, 2023 The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost T T Opening Hymn 725 Children of the Heavenly Father Children of the. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin July 22/25, 2021 The NINTH Sunday after Pentecost Opening Hymn 754 Entrust Your Days and Burdens. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin November 23/24, 2022 Day of Thanksgiving T T T A Hymn of Invocation 913 O Holy Spirit, Enter In O Holy Spirit, enter in, And in our hearts Your work begin, Your dwelling place now make us. St. Now Showing of 4. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,St. St. The Church is directly in front of the cemetery. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin December 8/11, 2022 The Third Sunday in Advent T T T Opening Hymn 336 Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending. Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care,. Failed to Update. St. 240 E Green Bay St, PO Box 577, Bonduel WI 54107 | Church: 715-758-8559 | School: 715-758. all the Canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the revealed Word of God, verbally inspired, and the only rule of faith and life, and b. . Welcome to St. St. St. Saved. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin October 13/16, 2022 LCMS Anniversary Sunday 159th Anniversary of St. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin January 6/9, 2022 The Baptism of Our Lord Opening Hymn 596 All Christians Who Have Been Baptized All Christians who have been baptized, who know the God of heaven, And in whose daily life is prized the name of Christ once given: Consider now what God has done, the gifts He. Paul) 7:00am Bible Class 7:00pm Board of Elders Wednesday 7/12 4:00pm –. ARTICLE II: Confession This congregation acknowledges and accepts: a. 7-9-23 Worship 11:00 a. When Jesus ascended, He removed His appearance, not His presence. These two men served St. Salvation is the solution to the contradiction between the way. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin May 5/8, 2022 The Fourth Sunday of Easter Good Shepherd Sunday. We pray, that God in His timing and His gracious providence, will provide an under-shepherd of the Good Shepherd to His people at St. Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care, congregational life, and online technologies. Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Sunday Worship Service 8:00am, and 10:15 am Thursday Worship Service 7:00pm. Rev. Paul Bonduel has been the recipient of the $1,000 prize for State Recy-cling Champion three years in a row! Our goal is to grab that National Champion title and $5,000. James in Shawano called their first full time pastor. Welcome to St. 1. purchase them with a donation to St. 240 E Green Bay St, PO Box 577, Bonduel WI 54107 | Church: 715-758-8559 | School: 715-758. 240 E Green Bay St, PO Box 577, Bonduel WI 54107 | Church: 715-758-8559 | School: 715-758. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin June 4, 2023 The Festival of the Holy Trinity T T T Welcome to the House of the Lord The celebration of Trinity Sunday – the only church festival specifically dedicated to a doctrine – embraces the gift of faith to believe in the only true God, the God who existsSt. Paul Lutheran Church & School (LCMS) in Bonduel WI! Our congregation proclaims God's word and Christ's sacrificial love for all through enriching worship, our Christian school, pastoral care, congregational life, and online technologies. Paul Lutheran Church and School . 240 E Green Bay St, PO Box 577, Bonduel WI 54107 | Church: 715-758-8559 | School: 715-758. Welcome to St. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin September 29/October 2, 2022 LCMS LWML Sunday T T T Welcome to the House of the Lord Today is LWML (The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) Sunday! The leading organization of women in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, founded in 1942,St. Paul Town Washington and St. Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin June 2/5, 2022 The Festival of Pentecost T T T Processional Hymn 498 Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest Confession and Absolution page 151 Psalmody — Psalm 143 Hear my prayer, O LORD; give ear to my pleas for mercy! In your faithfulness answer me, in your righteousness!St. 22So Paul, standing in the midst of the Areopagus, said: “Men of Athens, I perceiveSt. The symbols of our Lord’s suffering help us understand our need for Christ’sSt. Paul Lutheran, Bonduel, WI following is a link to online donations: Paul Lutheran Church and School Bonduel, Wisconsin March 1, 2023 Midweek Lenten Service Symbols of the Passion The word passion, from the Latin patior, means suffer. at St. Paul Lutheran, Bonduel, this Sunday morning, 3'22'20 by grabbing the online bulletin at our website (top right "Resources") and then clicking on "Live Stream". St. Paul on Wednesday, June 19, 2023.